Saturday, January 14, 2012


We decorated early this year so that Brookie could enjoy it brfore she went in for heart surgery.  Our trooper was out and home just 4 days after surgery with oxygen levels around 98%!  On Christmas Eve, we baked cookies for Santa and spread reindeer food on the front lawn.  On Christmas morning, we had a wonderful breakfast and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.  The kids were excited to see what was in their stockings and intrigued by the packages Santa had left.  I loved seeing their eyes light up when they opened each present:)  Nana, Uncle Bob and Auntie Moira came over for an early dinner.  The kids loved seeing them!  Colin and Uncle Bob played their favorite word game with many giggles.  Auntie Moira played Ring Around the Rosie over and over with a smile each time.  Nana got lots of snuggles as well.  Dennis made a delicious roast and everyone enjoyed dinner together.  It was so nice to sit as a family and enjoy conversation and each others company.

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