Monday, August 1, 2011

Guangzhou Day 1

We started the day at the buffet at the Garden Hotel. Brookie had lots to choose from and tried just about everything. Colin found some watermelon and a delicious cinnamon donut. Tatum was thrilled because they have orange juice and rice crispies!!! We boarded our bus and headed over to Shamian Island for Brookie's medical exam. There were three different rooms we went into. One room was the ENT, another was "body check", and the 3rd was hearing and vision. Brookie was great and passed with flying colors. Then, she had her TB test and was given some candy for being good. We walked around the Island and found ourselves at Jordan's. He did Brookie's name in Chinese calligraphy and wrote the meaning her name. We picked up a few fans for the girls, a Communium dress for Brookie and a few other small items. When everyone was tired from shopping, we wlaked over to the Cow and Bridge, a Thai food restaurant we ate at on Tatum's trip. The food was delicious!!!! We went back to the hotel, got our laundry together and headed to the pool. The Garden Hotel has a beautiful pool deck and the kids swam for over an hour. With everyone waterlogged, we went back to the room and had a pizza from Pizza Hut. It disappeared very quickly:) Early to bed for everyone!!!

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