Sunday, July 10, 2011

What We've Been Up To:)

The end of June brought the annual dance recital. This year, Tatum was in it!!! She did 2 dances...a ballet to You've Got a Friend in Me and a tap to I've Got a Dream. Mommy and Daddy were just beaming watching her:) She had so much fun! Colin made it through the first half and then hung out with the girls in the back for the second half:)
We headed over to our neighbor's house for the 4th of July. What a great day!!! The kids and I spent the morning at Nationals watching the girls dance. We hung out with friends all afternoon. The kids played, ate a lot and went swimming. Even daddy joined in the fun!!!!
Tatum celebrated her 3rd Gotcha Day on July 7th! I can't believe she has been home for 3 years already. In the same breath, I can't remember life before she came home:)
The kids found out that in October, they get to be in their first horse show:) Colin was practicing his grooming and tacking when a nice man gave him a lucky horseshoe. He was nice enough to share it with his sister:)
This weekend, we had our neighborhood blockparty. More friends, food and fun!!!
Brookie received her photo album of us and was so happy! The pictures of her brought tears to our eyes and we can't wait to go get her:) We will be leaving on July 21st!!!!! Packing has begun:) Make sure you stop by while we are away as I will update the blog everyday:)


Alyx Brady said...

Such a beautiful family! I can't wait to see Brookie in the mix. I am bummed we won't get to meet her and you but I am so happy for your upcoming travel. I will be praying for your family and anxiously watching your blog! If you catch any time with my Susi, I would love to hear about it when you catch your breath. Blessings,
Tami Brady

andrea said...


I got your necklaces in the mail today and I just love them! Seriously, they are so gorgeous!!!

I have loved watching Brody's grant go up little by little... Thanks so much for all you're doing for the little boy who holds my heart. I will be posting about him on Friday and will direct my readers back here again if that's ok.