Saturday, October 4, 2008


Today we went over to our neighbor's house for the annual Oktoberfest. There were sausages from Cincinnati and a jumparoo with a giant slide. The kids had a hot dog and a chocolate chip square. Colin wanted Tatum to do everything with him. They both went into the jumparoo together. They both rode the swings together. They both sat on the porch swing together. It was so cute!
At one pint, they both wanted me to hold them. Julie got a great photo of it! I'm even smiling! Colin looks so big. It's hard to believe that he just turned three. When I went to put them down, they both tackled me on the ground and began a tickle fight! They both gave group hugs and were giggling incessantly. I even got some kisses! Colin laid his head on Tatum's shoulder and she played with is hair. It;s amazing to watch their relationship blossom!
After a bit of a rough start to the afternoon, the evening went very smoothly. Tatum still is having a bit of trouble with biting Colin. He is so sensitive that it sends him into tears immediately. Tonight though, she was much better and is starting to realize that it's more fun to play nice than to be in timeout.
Before bed, she even gave Colin a kiss and a hug. Colin thought it was funny and let out a little giggle.

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