We had our first big snow storm last weekend. The kids were excited! We got about 16 inches of the white stuff. Unfortunately, poor Colin was feeling under the weather. Both he and Daddy stayed warm and dry inside, while Tatum and I braved the outdoors.
We went sledding down the driveway and made a pretty funny snowman! After we were quite cold and wet, we headed in to the warmth of the house.
On Christmas Eve, Nana came over for our gift exchange. Both kids enjoyed opening their gifts and also liked passing out presents to Nana. I think that their favorite thing (besides Nana) was their new sock monkey jack-in-the-boxes!
Dennis and the guys put the luminaries out throughout the neighbor hood. They were beautiful again this year! It is such a beautiful sight to look out and see the neighborhood lit up all along the sides of the streets.
Everyone came over for Chinese food after and we had a great time! The kids played and ate and the adults got to catch up a little. When we were all stuffed, we journeyed outside to put out the reindeer food. Before bed, we put Santa's cookie plate together and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.